Monday, November 21, 2011

Niche of the Lion

African lions live in grasslands and Savannas. The lion is the only cat that hunts in groups, enabling it to prey on animals bigger than itself. Preferred prey animals are wildebeests, zebras, and warthogs. Lions share their habitat with many other predators, such as hyenas, wild dogs, crocodiles, and cheetahs.
When a male lion takes over a pride, he will kill all the cubs fathered by the previous male. A lot of times, males will help the females hunt. The male would jump out at prey and then chase it towards the waiting females. Lion cubs have spots, although these usually fade when they get older. 


  1. Did anyone like mine

  2. I am doing a big African species project for school and this website is useless. You have title it "African Lion Niche", but I am assuming you don't know what a niche is, because this page is adaptations. In case you are wondering, a niche is an animals job in it's ecosystem.

  3. i have a biology h.w is about a lions niche and habitat but i did not found this helping
