Monday, November 21, 2011

Support given to the African Lion

The lion is perhaps the most iconographic of all the African savanna species. Their presence on the savanna immeasurably increases eco-tourism. In zoos, they help demonstrate the interdependency of all species. Breeding programs that maintain healthy captive animals are essential for the future of the species. Respect for traditional lifestyle and educational support empowers local populations to help save their ecosystem and the lions dependent upon it. Each institute project supported by the zoo aims to provide a broad, holistic approach to conservation, encompassing research, education, habitat and species preservation. This includes comprehensive, cooperative strategies to link the needs of animals with the people who share their ecosystems. The effort to save animal species requires cooperation and support at the international, national, regional and individual levels. You can help in this cause. Join and become active in Woodland Park Zoo and other conservation organization of your choice. Let your elected representatives know your views on protecting endangered species and wild habitats. Please do not buy products made from animal parts.

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